Through the wisdom shared here may the leader in us grow.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

7303 Post 9: The Last for the Class

To end the required postings (meaning, may it not end because of 7303 end), I would like to share a quote that came across my Facebook today:

"If you can't grant a request make it clear you took it seriously. For many, knowing they were heard can be as important as getting what they asked." -- Michael Josephson

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

7303 Post 8: Reflection of a Leader?

This morning I "worked the booth" at church. That means that I had to run the computer for the songs, sermon slides and videos. The guy that runs the sound (and booth) and I have been friends for a while but have not been able to talk much since I'm only volunteering once a month. However, today he randomly asked how my week had been. He has not been the only one in the last few weeks that has innocently asked that question; a question I don't get very often. However, my reply to all was the same, "It's not been my favorite." Career-wise, this has probably been one of two most difficult weeks and it hit me very personally. I was verbally attacked with slander by a teacher. I have been criticized before and know that I cannot make all happy but this was a personal attack on my character. Needless to say, it has been a week of reflection upon the leadership that I provide.

I had been feeling pretty strong after my Birkman consultation and BAM! So, I take a look at the quote by Russell Ewing that is on my blog, "A boss creates fear; a leader confidence. A boss fixes blame; a leader corrects mistakes. A boss knows all; a leader asks questions." I've spent the week reflecting on my weaknesses and my strengths. I reflect on last weeks blog about gifts that all leaders should have no matter the distance, the followers, or the place.

I ask my cohort to pray for me and my spirit of leadership. Legal advice can only help so much.
I can't wait to see you guys this weekend.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

7303 Post 7: What would Columbus think?

More than once during my readings this semester, I have read the thought that we have become a flat world in terms of society. (I'm glad that we haven't just learned that it's flat for real because I'd wonder about the pictures from the many trips to space.) From a mathematical stand point, I interpret that to mean that we have straight lines that connect us from one end to the next. From a leadership standpoint, it says to me that no matter where you lead and how distant those you lead are, you lead with some common gifts -- with soul; with five minds of discipline, synthesis, creativity, respect and ethically; with love for your employees and a realm of transparency. What it tells me is that there are qualities and behaviors in a leader that are global; characteristics that impact followers no matter the distance from one point to the other.

Did Columbus lead with these qualities and behaviors when he convinced others to follow him and eventually state that the world was round?

Monday, November 1, 2010

7303 Post 6: Patience is a Virtue

Technology! While I had a thought for my post . . . yesterday, it has changed a little due to my technical difficulties. Yesterday during our church service, we were to Skype with 2 of our members that are on a mission to Ghana (I think) . . . It didn't work! After many attempts to get on to blog . . . It didn't work! In a world of dependence on technology, it is ironic to look at the control it has over what we accomplish. I guess it is true to the thought behind Gardner's writings -- in spite of globalization, we cannot ignore the other disciplines in your life. So I ask, has so much globalization enabled what an individual can do or has it caused a dependence that, across the "waves" can be restricting?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm hoping this works. I'm posting through my phone because I am having Internet issues. If I can't get a posting in tonight I will post from school tomorrow. Too much to type from a phone. : )

Sunday, October 24, 2010

7303 Post 5: Aha!

I love the Aha! moments that God reveals to me. A couple of years ago, several of our church members became involved in the lives of the Bhutanese refugees that have been located in Abilene. Our church showed a video this morning of the path that was taken that brought this group to our country and the little town of Abilene. Bhutanese that were kicked out of the land they grew up in and were refused entry into the land they originated. Over the course of many years, they found their way to the states. These are people that were doctors, teachers, and businessmen until a new regime. To watch the changes they are willing to make in their lives to survive as a family is amazing. They are learning English. They are depending upon others. They are taking jobs that many of us would think were beneath us.

I bring this up because of the opportunities so many of have and take for granted. The opportunities to learn from others and their cultures. The opportunity to lead in ways we never thought we would.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

7303 Post 4: Sharing

So much this weekend was growth for me -- reflection, identifying my brain (if that's possible), and making a decision on the route of dissertation.  Wow!  However, I hope that I don't let it end there.  I have found great concepts to share with my staff and paths in which to do that (Kiva!).  I wonder how many of staff are aware of their brain tendencies and the crucial part they play in our learning styles.  It seems that if my staff could be aware of the tendencies for each, it might help in understanding the learning styles of their students.  While this isn't a new concept, sometimes we get so busy meet the standards and requirements of our positions that we are blind to the information that will help us along the way.  So, while I am growing through this journey, I hope to share that growth with those that I lead that they too may grow.